面对新的英语Facing To Th Nw Orintal nglish
Whn I cam back from Singapor, it was alrady th 1st of August. Th tn-hour trip mad m so tird. As soon as I got hom, my fathr gav m a card. Thr wr som words on it: Nw Orintal, NC II.
I was not happy but I had to go to Shanghai to larn nglish. On of th Nw Orintal’s studnts said, “To lov somon mayb nds on minut; to lov nglish just nds a lsson.” I hav bn intrstd in nglish sinc my first class at Nw Orintal.
My tachr has a lovly and bautiful nam: Angla. Sh is vry bautiful and humorous. Sh told us about hr lif, hr dram and hr frinds. Sh lt us larn nglish in films, gams and in many othr ways.
vr sinc thn, I hav flt a nw kind of lov for nglish. It is rally vry intrsting!
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