Hom——A Joy Forvr-家——永恆的喜悦 Hom mans a lot to m. “B it vr so humbl, thr is no plac lik hom.” I apprciat th warmth of my hom, and rgard it as on of th brightst and darst spots on arth. It is th plac whr I can tak rfug whnvr I mt with difficultis, failurs and vn frustrations in my daily lif. At hom, my dar parnts and brothrs and sistrs will comfort m and chr m up. And with thir concrn and ncouragmnt, I will rgain my slf-confidnc and mustr up all my strngth and courag to fac th strn ralitis of lif. To m, hom is forvr a joy whr I can always find lov, undrstanding, car and hlp.
家對我意義重大。「不管家是多麼簡陃,家是世界上最好的地方。」我珍視家庭溫暖,並且認為家是世界上最光輝的地方之一。每當我在日常生活中遭遇到困難、失敗甚至挫折時,家就是我尋求庇護之所。在家中,我親愛的父母和兄弟姉妹會安慰我、鼓勵我。而有了他們的關心與鼓舞,我將恢復自信,並能鼓能我的所有的力量和勇氣,來面對嚴酷的生活現實。對我而言,家永遠是一種喜悅,我總是可以在其中找到愛、了解、關懷與幫助。 Hom——A Joy Forvr-家——永恆的喜悦