3.第一句已给出,不计入总词数。 Halth
A rcnt survy shows that th halth of th studnts in our school has bn going from bad to wors in th past thr yars. Th numbr of short-sightd studnts has incrasd from 78.2% in 2002 to 92.5% this yar,whil that of ovrwight studnts from 36% to 52.4%. Narly 10% mor studnts don't hav nough slp bcaus of mor homwork. Bsids, ovr 15% mor studnts bcom mntally unhalthy.
To improv studnts'halth, w call for lss homwork. Only in this way can studnts gt plnty of slp and b mor halthy. Propr dits and xrcis should also b paid attntion to so that thy won't asily put on wight. With thir havy burdns rmovd, studnts can thn kp in normal mntal halth. 健康状况
最近的调查表明,在过去的3年中我校学生的健康状况越来越糟, 患近视的学生已从2002年的78.2%增长到今年的92.5%,而超重的学生已从36%增长到52.4%。由于过多的家庭作业,有将近10%的学生缺乏睡眠;此外,超过15%的学生精神不健康。