字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 如何消度星期日


初中生作文   2025-02-21

Som of us always spnd Sundays aimlssly. W can sldom driv profits from th valuabl hours (tim) of Sundays. This is indd a grat pity. Though Sundays ar st asid as a day for rst, w must mak good us of thm. W know that our school lssons ar usually not sufficint. W should oftn utiliz Sundays to rad rfrnc books. In this way w will incras our knowldg. Bsids, w must b ngagd in sports or outing so as to strngthn our bodis.

标签: my mother is friend of mine 妈妈 朋友
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