字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 The Polluted Moat-污染的护城河,The Polluted Moat-污染的护城

The Polluted Moat-污染的护城河,The Polluted Moat-污染的护城

初中生作文   2025-02-28

Th Pollutd Moat-污染的护城河,Th Pollutd Moat-污染的护城Th Pollutd Moat-污染的护城河 我们城市周围的护城河最近被严重污染了。以前曾经在水里自由自在地游来游去的鱼儿都不见了,脏水直接从造纸厂倒人护城河。日复一日,漂亮的护城河已经变成一个恶臭的垃圾箱。 Th Pollutd Moat

Th moat around our city has bn sriously pollutd rcntly. Thr usd to b many fishs swimming frly in it. But now non xists.Dirty watr from th papr factory pours into th moat dirctly.And day aftr day, th onc bautiful moat has turnd into a smlly dustbin. Th Pollutd Moat-污染的护城河

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