字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 一个好办法-A Good Idea,一个好办法-A Good Idea范文

一个好办法-A Good Idea,一个好办法-A Good Idea范文

初中生作文   2025-03-21

一个好办法-A Good Ida,一个好办法-A Good Ida范文一个好办法-A Good Ida

一个好办法-A Good Idea,一个好办法-A Good Idea范文

On aftrnoon Li Li saw two shp ating th what in th fild on his way hom. H trid to pull th mothr shp out of th fild. H pulld hr hard, but nothing happnd. H trid again, still sh didn't movd at all. H thought and thought. At last h had a good ida. Whn th mothr shp saw him pick up hr baby shp and ran away, sh followd him out of th fild. 一天下午,李雷在回家的路上看见两只羊正在田里吃麦子。他试图把羊从田里拉出来。他使劲拽,羊纹丝不动,再拽,仍然没有结果。他想啊想啊,终于有了个好主意。当羊妈妈看见她的羊宝宝被人抱走了,赶快跟在李雷后面跑出了田地。 On aftrnoon, on his way hom Li Li saw two shp ating th what in th fild. H trid to pull th shp out of th fild. At first h pulld th mothr shp, but sh was so strong that h couldn't mak hr mov. What should h do? H sat down and bgan to think. H thought hard for a minut, at last h had a good ida. Th mothr shp took a baby shp with hr. Sh lovd hr baby vry much. Whn th mothr shp saw him pick up th baby shp and run out of th fild, sh followd him and cam out of th fild at onc. Think hard, you will hav a good ida. 一天下午,李雷在回家的路上看见两只羊正在地里吃麦子。他想把羊从地里拉出来。起初他拉那头母羊。但是她太强壮了,根本拉不动。那他该怎么办呢?他坐下来想办法。他冥思苦想了一会儿,终于有了好办法。他抱起小羊跑出了麦田,母羊看见了马上跟着也跑出来了。看来苦思便有好办法。 一个好办法-A Good Ida

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