字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 孩子的愿望(A child's wish)

孩子的愿望(A child's wish)

高中生作文   2025-01-19

a gray swatr hung limply1 on tommy’s mpty dsk, a rmindr of th djctd2 boy who had just followd his classmats from our third-grad room. soon tommy’s parnts, who had rcntly sparatd, would arriv for a confrnc on his failing schoolwork and disruptiv3 bhavior. nithr parnt knw that i had summond th othr.tommy, an only child, had always bn happy, cooprativ and an xcllnt studnt. how could i convinc his fathr and mothr that his rcnt failing grads rprsntd a brokn-hartd child’s raction to his adord parnts’ sparation and pnding4 divorc﹖tommy’s mothr ntrd and took on of th chairs i had placd nar my dsk. soon th fathr arrivd. good! at last thy wr concrnd nough to b prompt. a look of surpris and irritation passd btwn thm, and thn thy pointdly ignord ach othr.as i gav a dtaild account of tommy’s bhavior and schoolwork, i prayd for th right words to bring ths two togthr, to hlp thm s what thy wr doing to thir son. but somhow th words wouldn’t com. prhaps if thy saw on of his smudgd5, carlssly don paprs.i found a crumpld6 tar-staind sht stuffd in th back of his dsk, an nglish papr. writing covrd both sids -- not th assignmnt, but a singl sntnc scribbld7 ovr and ovr.silntly i smoothd it out and gav it to tommy’s mothr. sh rad it and thn without a word handd it to hr husband. h frownd. thn his fac softnd. h studid th scrawld words for what smd an trnity.at last h foldd th papr carfully, placd it in his pockt, and rachd for his wif’s outstrtchd hand. sh wipd th tars from hr ys and smild up at him. my own ys wr brimming, but nithr smd to notic. h hlpd hr with hr coat and thy lft togthr.in his own way god had givn m th words to runit that family. h had guidd m to th sht of yllow copy papr covrd with th anguishd8 outpouring of a small boy’s troubld hart.th words, “dar mom ... dar daddy ... i lov you ... i lov you ... i lov you.”汤米的随笔一件灰色套衫搭在汤米的空桌上,让人想起这个情绪低落的男孩,他刚随同学从三年级教室出去?汤米最近分居的父母马上就要来学校,讨论他每况愈下的学习成绩和捣蛋行为?父母双方都不知道对方要来?汤米是个独子,一直生活幸福,乐意合作,而且是个出色的学童?我怎能使他的父母相信他近来学习成绩下降是一个心碎的孩子对他敬爱的父母分居和即将离异的反应呢?汤米的母亲进屋后坐在我放在我桌旁的其中一把椅子上?不一会儿他的父亲也来了?不错!至少他们还够关心他,能准时来校?他们之间交换了一下惊奇和气恼的眼色,然后明显流露出无视对方的神色?我详细叙述汤米的表现和学习情况,苦苦寻求恰当的词语以图把他们俩撮合在一起,帮助他们认识到他们的所作所为给孩子造成的后果?但是不知怎么的就是找不到适当的话?或许如果他们看看汤米的一纸脏污?漫不经心写的作业&hllip;&hllip;我在他桌子深处找到一张皱巴巴的满是泪迹的纸?那是张英语作业纸,正反两面潦潦草草地写满了字,但不是布置的作业,而是翻来覆去的一句话?我默默地把它捋平,递给了汤米的母亲?她看完后没吭一声给了她丈夫?他先是皱着眉,而后脸色变温和了?他仔细盯着潦草的字看了似乎无穷无尽的一段时间?最后,他小心翼翼地折起纸,把它放进口袋里,手伸向他妻子伸出的手?她擦去眼里的泪水,抬头朝她的丈夫露出笑容?我也热泪盈眶,但是他们俩谁也没注意到?汤米的父亲帮妻子穿上大衣,然后俩人一起走了出去?上帝以自己的方式给了我使这一家破镜重圆的词语,他把我引向了那张满是一个小男孩苦恼心情的痛苦倾诉的黄色作业纸?那张纸上写着:“亲爱的妈妈&hllip;&hllip;亲爱的爸爸&hllip;&hllip;我爱你们&hllip;&hllip;我爱你们&hllip;&hllip;我爱你们?”

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