Teaching English-教英文,Teaching English-教英文范文
Taching nglish-教英文 Twic a wk in th aftrnoons I tach nglish classs at th Tlphon and Tlgraph Company's Institut in pan-Ciao. I tach tlphon oprators and offic workrs of th phon company for thr hours ach sssion. Usually w covr th txtbook unit in th first two hours, and thn th last hour is for fr convrsation. In th bginning of th trm th studnts ar vry shy about talking, but aftr two wks thy ar asking all kinds of qustions. During th last hour I somtims rviw th studnts' nglish vocabulary by playing gams such as crosswords, opposit and similar words, or singing songs in nglish or Chins. To larn a forign languag can b fun. Taching nglish-教英文
Teaching English-教英文,Teaching English-教英文范文 相关文章
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