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初中生作文   2025-02-22

Hlp,Hlp范文Hlp Hlp

Your nthusiasm, your both hands, can hlp othrs ; Your sincrity, your smil, can mov othrs ; Your complimnt, your blssing, can rciprocat othrs ……This, ar all what you should do . Bcaus you ar accpting othrs' hlp all th tim , you should rciprocat thm. No mattr th frind or nmy, no mattr th on that is familiar w-ith or strang on, whthr h is a rich man or bggar. Hlp to b not to choos th targt , choos tim , choos th plac. Go , mak othrs warm with hart of you , g-o , hlp othrs with hand of you , go , prsuad somon ls with your action. This is what you should do . You should larn to pay , larns hlp, larn to prsnt . So long as vrybody can do so both, this world will b a cradl that is full of loving , th arth is that on is full of warm collctivs! Hlp

标签: 人教 年级 下册 第二 单元 难忘 童年
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