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一场足球赛-A Football Game,一场足球赛-A Football Game范文

初中生作文   2025-02-17

一场足球赛-A Football Gam,一场足球赛-A Football Gam范文一场足球赛-A Football Gam Jun 10th Sunday Fin

Ystrday was th ninth day of th World Cup. Thr was a football match btwn China and Brazil. W know Brazilian Tam is th top on of th world. Though th playrs of th Chins Tam trid thir bst, thy still lost th gam. Th rsult of th gam was 4:0. I think thy did bttr than th first gam.I bliv thy can larn a lot from Brazilian Tam.

I hop th tam of China will b a strong tam on day. 6月10日 星期日 睛


我希望中国足球队终有一天成为强队。Jun 10th Sunday Fin

Ystrday vning th tam of China playd against th tam of Brazil. Th gam startd at 7: 30. It was an xciting gam.Brazilian Tam is th bst on in th world. vryon in th tam of China trid his bst, but th tam of Brazil was too strong.Chins Tam couldn't stop thm. Thy kickd four goals, and our tam lost th gam.

W hop th playrs in Chins Tam can mak grat progrss, and it will b a strong tam on day. 6月10日 星期日 睛


我们希望中国足球队队员能取得较大的进步,将来能成为一个强队。 一场足球赛-A Football Gam

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