Stting:Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is whr Harry Pottr and his frinds larnd about magic.Main Charactrs:Harry Pottr is an 11 yar old boy who’s parnts did, and h gos to Hogwarts.AzRon Wasly is an 11 yar old boy who has 5 brothrs and 1 sistr, and h gos to Hogwarts.AzHrmion is a 10 yar old girl who liks larn a lots , and sh gos to Hogwarts.AzQuirrll is Hogwarts’s tachr,Voldmort’s hlpr.AzVoldmort is an vil guy of th magic world.AzClimax:Harry nvr thought Quirrll was hlping Voldmort. Quirrl cought Harry and lt him to gt th Philosphr’s ston, but whn Harry got it, h didn’t giv it to Quirrll, and Voldmort cam out,from th back of Quirrll’s had!And Voldmort ordrd Quirrll to catch Harry and gt th ston, but whn Quirrll touchd Harry, his body dissolvd,and thn h did.AzConclusion:Harry dfatd Voldmort, and th yar has finishd,it’s tim for th school cup,Gryffindor was in last , but 4 mor things lt thm win!AzFirst is for Ron, bcaus h play th bst gam of chss Hogwarts has sn in many yars,h got 50 points.Scond is for Hr mion,for th us of cool logic in th fac fir,sh got 50 points.Third is for Harry, who dfatd Voldmort, gt th ston, h got 60 points for that!Last, for Nvill,h got 10 points for his moxi,and Gryffindor won!Az