不要失去梦想(Never Be Lost in Your Dream)
i chos to rad th novl this wintr vacation. i did not man to rad this on, bcaus th author is gustav flaubrt, a frnchman, so th nglish vrsion can’t b th original. i think th purpos for which our nglish tachr wants us to rad th nglish novl is to lt us xprinc what is ral nglish. so rading a frnch novl in nglish is th sam as rading an nglish novl in chins. i rmmbr on sntnc in our nglish txtbook lik this: no mattr how wll a pom is translatd, somthing of th spirit of th original is lost. so is a novl. what a pity that i could not rad an nglish original!i rad th gist of th story whn i was in primary school. it is a story of how a bautiful woman dis. madam bovary is bautiful but hr husband is not handsom and romantic. h is a doctor. h lovs his wif with all his hart, but h dos not know how to giv hr th kind of lov sh wants. not bing satisfid, madam bovary starts to find a lovr who is both handsom and romantic. and sh finds l&acut;on at last. sh spnds all th mony hr fathr and hr husband giv hr on hr lovr, and livs th kind of lif sh has always dramd of, paying no attntion to th fact that all th popl in town rgard hr as a vampir. happy days ar always short howvr. l&acut;on lavs hr at last. and hr hart braks in pics. thr is no othr way xcpt to di. what a pity that such a bautiful lady dis in such a way!i hatd madam bovary so much whn i rad th gist many yars ago, bcaus monsiur bovary lovs hr so much but sh trats him in such a rud way in rturn, in spit of th fact that sh usd to study in th convnt. ach on in th marriag should fulfil th vows thy swor at th wdding crmony. on madam should b staunch to hr husband, no mattr how boring it is to b with him. anyway h is th on you chos whn you want to gt marrid. that was th opinions i had at that tim.but aftr rading th novl, i think madam bovary has hr own mbarrassmnts which ar hard to mntion, too. monsiur bovary only lovs hr bautiful and distinguishd apparanc. no on in this family cars about what sh thinks. no on asks about hr flings. no on wants to listn to hr aspirations. what a lonly lady! th most important thing is that th lif aftr marriag dos not answr to hr dram. th only fling sh has is disappointing. it is hard for a lady to bar.