字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 野餐-A Picnic

野餐-A Picnic

初中生作文   2025-02-27

野餐-A Picnic野餐-A Picnic

Last wknd w wnt to th countrysid to hav a picnic.W took svral sandwichs and som bottls of watr with us for lunch. Of cours w didn't forgt to tak som fruit and w vn took som tomatos and cucumbrs.

W lft hom quit arly in ordr to avoid th traffic jam.About two hours latr, w cam to a nic plac. It was nar a rivr. W put our bicycls undr th trs and wnt swimming. It was a vry hot day. Th watr was vry rfrshing.

Aftr having a swim, w had lunch in th cool shad undr th trs. Thn w wnt for a walk. W didn't com back hom until th night fll.




It took us about two hours by bik to gt to th nic plac in th countrysid. Thr was a riv thr. Th watr was clan and it was a good plac to swim. W thrw our biks on th ground

and jumpd into th watr. It was hot, but th watr mad us rfrshd. Aftr w swam around:'th rivr, w wr tird.

W took out th sandwichs and watr, and had our picnic in th shad undr th trs. Th most popular food ar sausags and tomatos.

Aftr lunch w took a walk. Thr w saw many bautiful flowrs and grn grass. W smlld swt air. How nic th picnic was!




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