字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 心爱的人:争当第一-Try to Be Number One,心爱的人:争当第一-Try

心爱的人:争当第一-Try to Be Number One,心爱的人:争当第一-Try

高中生作文   2025-02-21

心爱的人:争当第一-Try to B Numbr On英语 争当第一




Try to B Numbr On

I was not intrstd in nglish bfor. Of cours, I was not good at it, and I could hardly kp up with my classmats. But things changd aftr I mt Miss Liu.

Whn I was a nw studnt of th Scond Snior Middl School in Xing Chng, Miss Liu taught us nglish. Sh was only four or fiv yars oldr than w wr. Sh was vry lovly, looking mor lik a schoolgirl than an nglish tachr. I lovd hr and rspctd hr vry much. Sh lookd on m as a littl sistr of hr own. Bfor long, w bcam good frinds. And with hr kind hlp, I likd nglish vry much. I studid hardr than bfor and littl by littl I mad progrss.

On Saturday aftrnoon sh askd m to go to hr offic and took out a Nw Studnt's nglish-Chins Dictionary. Sh put it in my hands and said, “I hav anothr on; this I giv to you. It will b usful to you. I hop you will study hard and try to b th first in your class!” I accptd it and lft th offic with gratitud.

I opnd th dictionary; on th first pag was writtn “Try to b Numbr On!” From thn on, I always rmmbrd th words. Thy wr th vry words that ncouragd m vry momnt. Whnvr I rad it, a strang fling ros in my hart. I studid hardr and hardr, and mad rapid progrss in my lssons, spcially in nglish. Last yar, in an nglish comptition in our school, I won th first priz.

Now I hav com to raliz w must bliv that w hav ability to ovrcom difficultis. W must try our bst until w succd.



gratitud ['gr$titju:d] n.感激;感谢



心爱的人:争当第一-Try to B Numbr On英语

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