A Job
A JobA Job
[日期:2006-06-29][字体:大 中 小]
Ros lft th school and wnt to a collg to larn typing whn sh was svntn yars old. Sh passd all th xaminations quit wll. Ros was looking for a job and it's not vry hard for hr bcaus thr was a growing nd for typists at that tim. Ros livd with hr parnts. Sh wnt to a company which was clos to hr parnts' hous and said to th managr," I want this job but how much will you pay m?" th managr said, " I will pay you twnty svn pounds now and thirty pounds aftr thr month." Ros said aftr sh thought for a fw sconds, "Ok, I will start aftr thr month."
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