字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 融情入景:我爱你——黄河!-I Love You——the Yellow Riv.

融情入景:我爱你——黄河!-I Love You——the Yellow Riv.

高中生作文   2025-01-24





I Lov You——th Yllow Rivr

It's wll known that th Yllow Rivr is th scond longst rivr in China. Though my homtown is clos to hr, yt I had no chanc to njoy myslf at hr bautiful scnry. What a pity!To my grat joy w wr told that w would go thr and hav a good look at th lovly rivr on Sunday.

It took us quit a fw hours' rid to rach th bank of th rivr,whr w saw th Chunü Spring①. It is on of th most famous hot springs thr . Th watr of th spring is so clar that w couldn't hlp diving into it. Our had tachr, togthr with us, swam happily. Floating on th watr, I lookd around . W wr surroundd by th grat mountains.

Thn w got on som small boats. W had bn longing to float on th Mothr Rivr. Sing hr powrful currnt and attractiv bauty, I flt proud of bing on of hr sons.

It was noon bfor w knw it. W wnt ashor② and thn dancd and sang happily on th grassland. W hlpd ourslvs to th tasty③ fish, crabs④ and othr food, which w cookd ourslvs.

It was tim for us to go hom. W had to say good-by to th Mothr Rivr. W all flt rluctant⑤ whn w lft hr.



①Chunü Spring处女泉

②go ashor [+'M&:]上岸

③tasty ['tisti] a.美味的;可口的

④crab [kr$b] n.蟹;蟹肉

⑤rluctant [ri'l)kt+nt] a.不愿意的;留恋的



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