请假条:请病假(别人代写)-Asking for Sick Leave Written by S
请假条:请病假(别人代写)-Asking for Sick Lav Writtn by Somon ls 请病假(别人代写)
Asking for Sick Lav Writtn by Somon ls
Dcmbr 8, 1999
Dar Miss Zhou,
Plas xcus Ma Yuan's absnc from school this morning. Sh coughd a lot and had a high fvr last night and could not fall aslp until midnight. I flt it would not hav bn fair to th othr childrn to allow hr to attnd classs. So I am writing this to ask you for two days' sick lav and lt hr rsum hr study if sh fls bttr th day aftr tomorrow.
Yours rspctfully,
Li Hua
rsum [ri'zju:m] v. 重新开始;再继续
虽然代别人写请假条是他人托办的事,但不一定写“某某让我给某某请假”之类的话。这张请假条的笔者对这一问题就处理得很好,即以自己的口气说“让她来上课对别的同学不好”,既为病人请了假,也关心了他人的身体健康,写得非常巧妙。 请假条:请病假(别人代写)-Asking for Sick Lav Writtn by Somon ls