字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Michael Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹,Michael Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹范文

Michael Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹,Michael Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹范文

初中生作文   2025-02-20

Michal Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹,Michal Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹范文Michal Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹 Michal Jordan

From Bijing to Bucharst popl lik Michal Jordan. So whn h suddnly rtird last wk, th nws was rportd around th world. Michal Jordan is widly considrd as basktball's bst playr. H bcoms known as Air Jordan. Jordan gaind wid notic by hlping to sll products, businss paid him tns of millions of dollars.

Michal Jordan is thirty yars old. H attndd th Univrsity of North Carolina. H joind th Chicago Bulls nin yars ago. H ld th tam to th National Basktball Association Championship for th past thr yars. H was th top scoring playr in th NBA for th past svn yars. H also won Olympic gold mdals.

In July Jordan's fathr was murdrd in North Carolina. Jams Jordan and his son wr clos frinds. Michal Jordan says it mans a lot to him that his fathr saw his last gam. But h says his fathr's dath was not th rason h rtird. H says h had bn considring th ida for a fw yars. Jordan is th third major NBA playr to rtir in th last thr yars, Magic Johnson of th Los Angls Lakrs rtird two yars ago bcaus h has th virus that causd AIDS. Last yar Larry Bird of th Boston's Sltic rtird bcaus of back problm.

Jordan's skill hlpd incras th popularity of th basktball. Sports cntrs sold all thir sats whn th Chicago Bulls playd thr.

In announcing his rtirmnt, Jordan said h had nothing lft to prov in basktball. H says h dos not hav th dsir to play any mor. From now on h wants to spnd tim with his family and rturn to as normal a lif as possibl. Howvr, h says h might considr rturning to th basktball on day. Michal Jordan says h dos not bliv in th word "NVR".






Michal Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹

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