Go Ahead-继续,Go Ahead-继续范文
Go Ahad-继续,Go Ahad-继续范文Go Ahad-继续 Go Ahad
On day? my mothr and I wnt shopping at a Chins suprmarkt. W found that th cruciaa carps in th safood countr wr vry frsh, as a rsult w chos four crucian carps and handd thm ovr to th sllr. As it would tak som tim to clan th fish and dispos of thir intrnal organs, w dcidd to look around th othr placs first. Whn w cam back to th safood countr, I askd th sllr for my fish. H raisd on, which was bing cland, to lt m hav a look and tll m h was still working on th fish. I hurridly said, "Go ahad. Go ahad." I mant for him to go on.
Unxpctdly, th sllr stoppd his work, looking at m with puzzld xprssion, and askd m in rply, "Go ahad?" "Ys," I said. "go ahad." H pointd th fish in all sriousnss, and rpatd vry sriously', "Had?" Paying no mor attntion to him, I turnd back to chat with my mothr. Suddnly, "Bang, bang, bang", was hard from th countr. Promptly, th sc)lt passd th four fish without hads to m.
I askd loudly, "Why did you cut all th hads off?" Th scllr was also. vry annoyd and said, "Didn't you tll m to go ahad again and again?" On haring what h said I flt funny as wll as angry. It turnd out that h considrd "go ahad" as "cut th had off" No wondr h askd m svral tims about it! Taking th hadlss fish hom, I bcam imcrasingly frightnd. Wouldn't it b possibl that th hairdrssr would hav cut my had off if I had gon to gt my haircut?
一天,我和妈妈去一家华人超市购物,我们发现海鲜柜台的鲫鱼很新鲜,于是我们选了四条递给卖鱼的师傅。因为洗鱼、处理内脏要花些时间,我们便决定先到其他地方逛逛。等回到海鲜柜台,我向那师傅要鱼,他举起一条正在清洗的鱼让我看了看,意思是他还在洗呢,我赶紧说:“Go ahad.Go ahad."(继续吧,继续吧。)意思是让他继续。
不料,那位师傅却停了下来,很迷惑地看着我,反问道:“Go ahad?”我说:“Ys,go ahad.”他一本正经地指指鱼,很认真地重复了一遍:“Had?”我没再理他,就转过身和妈妈闲聊起来。突然只听见柜台里传出“砰、砰、砰”的声音,卖鱼师傅随即递给我四条没头的鱼。
我大声地问;“为什么把鱼头给剁掉了?”那师傅也很恼火地说:“你不是一再说‘go ahad’嘛?”我听了真是又好气又好笑。原来他把"go ahad"理解成“把头剁掉”,难怪他问了我好几遍呢!
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