时令描写:新疆之冬-Winter of Xinjiang
1.innr a.内部的;里面的
2.uncivilizd charactr不文明的特征
3.paradis n.天堂;乐园
4.mutton chops 羊肉排骨
Wintr of Xinjiang
Don't think that innr Northwst China is as trribl as I blivd just half a yar ago. Gnrally, popl think of th vast dsrt and th frzing cold as wll as th “uncivilizd charactr”of th local popl at th mntion of Xinjiang. It's rally a grat misundrstanding. It's tru that th outdoor tmpratur somtims drops to-30℃ in dp wintr, but this coms lat at night whn you ar alrady in bd. Th tmpratur in th hous is always about 25℃.
Most popl hr hav hating in thir rooms. Thos who don't hav cntral hating can hav as much coal as thy lik for thir firplacs① and stovs②.Coal is vry chap vn in th most distant countrysid.
You will b surprisd at th first sight of a havy snow fall. Whn you gt up th nxt morning, you will s that th ground is a vast blankt of whitnss. With th whit ground undrfoot, and th chimnys hr and thr snding out brown smok into th clar blu sky ovrhad, th whol scn may match th most bautiful moving pictur in th world.
Wintr in Xinjiang is a paradis for childrn. Whnvr thr is a havy snowfall, childrn will stay outdoors, running, shouting, playing gams. To thm, th most xciting gam is a snowball fight. Thy vn play football on th snow-covrd ground, not just boys, girls too! Thir shouts ar hard from tim to tim.
Childrn hr also lik to go skating. Thir fin skating skills mak grown-ups from th inland nvious③ of thm.
Th local popl in Xinjiang ar hardworking and hospitabl④. If you com to Xinjiang for a visit, you will hav a chanc to tast th local dishs. Th Xinjiang mutton chops ar rally dlicious, spcially in wintr.
Xinjiang is dvloping rapidly. Com and hav a look, my frinds. You will njoy your stay hr. Whatvr you do, don't miss th wintr of Xinjiang.
①firplac ['fai+plis] n.壁炉
②stov [st+uv] n.炉,火炉
③nvious ['nvi+s] a.妒忌的;羡慕的
④hospitabl ['h&spit+bl] a.好客的;殷勤的