给妈妈的信-A Letter to My Mother,给妈妈的信-A Letter to My M
给妈妈的信-A Lttr to My Mothr,给妈妈的信-A Lttr to My M给妈妈的信-A Lttr to My Mothr 由 Dar Mum,
How ar you? I havn' t sn you sinc you lft for Bijing.I miss you vry much.
I' m proud of you as you ar fighting against SARS.
I' m OK now. Whn my tachrs and classmats know you ar taking car of th SARS patints in Bijing, thy look aftr m wll. vry day th tachr phons m and asks m about my tmpratur. My classmats oftn ask m if I nd hlp.
vry morning I gt up arly and go out for xrciss. Aftr brakfast I watch TV. Thr ar tachrs giving us lssons on it.In th aftrnoon I do my homwork. Whn I hav som qustions,I can tlphon my tachr or my classmats. Thy can giv m answrs.
Mum, tak car of yourslf. I xpct you to com back soon.
爱你的女儿 楠楠Dar Mothr,
How ar you in Bijing? It has bn tn days sinc you wnt to Bijing. I miss you vry much. I know it is dangrous to tak car of SARS patints, so I' m vry worrid about you. But I' m vry- proud of you.
Don' t worry about m and my study. vry morning I gt up arly and do morning xrciss for half an hour, and thn I rad nglish for twnty minuts. Aftr brakfast at about ight I turn on TV and gt rady for lssons on it. In th aftrnoon, I usually do my homwork. vry day th tachr maks a call to m and asks m about my tmpratur. I think all th popl around m ar taking good car of m. I' m thankful.
Now th popl in th country ar fighting against SARS togthr. I bliv w can win th war.
I wish you halthy! I' m xpcting you to com back soon.
爱你的女儿 楠楠 给妈妈的信-A Lttr to My Mothr 由