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初中生作文   2025-02-20

Waiting,Waiting范文Waiting英语作文网为您收集 Waiting

W wr sitting in th classroom quitly, waiting for th invigilator. W wr anxious to gt th xamination papr and s whthr it was asy or difficult.

Th invigilator cam into th classroom. H first lookd around. Thn h countd th paprs. W could only har th paprs’ fricativ. I had a look at my watch. W would b xamind in ight minuts. I flt a bit nrvous. I thought to myslf, “Will th xam b asy or difficult? Will th last qustion b vry hard for m to work out?” Th invigilator bgan to dlivr us th paprs. I had bn rady. As soon as I got th papr, I bgan to writ quickly. At this, th invigilator said loudly, “You can’t writ until th bll rings”. I flt sorry for that. I watchd th hands of th clock and thought hard. I countd quitly, “four minuts, thr minuts, two minuts…thirty sconds, twnty-fiv sconds…” “Ding…” Th bll rang. W pickd up our pns and bgan to writ quitly.

What a long tim w had bn waiting! Waiting英语作文网为您收集

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