A walk through the woods
I liv in a vry old town which is surroundd by bautiful woods. It is a famous bauty spot. On Sundays, hundrds of popl com from th city to s our town and to walk through th woods. Visitors hav bn askd to kp th woods clan and tidy. Littr baskts hav bn placd undr th trs, but popl still throw thir rubbish vrywhr. Last Wdnsday, I wnt for a walk in th woods. What I saw mad m vry sad. I countd svn old cars and thr old rfrigrators. Th littl baskts wr mpty and th ground was covrd with pics of papr, cigartt nds, old tyrs, mpty bottls and rusty tins. Among th rubbish, I found a sign which said, 'Anyon who lavs littr in ths woods will b proscutd!'
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