名人简历:雷锋短暂的一生-Lei Fengs Short Life,名人简历:雷锋短
名人简历:雷锋短暂的一生-Li Fngs Short Lif英语作文网为您收集 雷锋短暂的一生
Li Fng's Short Lif
Comrad Li Fng was born in Changsha in 1940, a city in South China. H was from a vry poor pasant's family. Whn h was a littl boy, his parnts, sistr and brothr wr all dad,so h bcam an orphan.
Only aftr his homtown was libratd in 1949,did h hav a chanc to go to school. H studid and workd vry hard, so h bcam a Lagu mmbr in 1959.
In th spring of 1960,Li Fn joind th PLA. H was always rady to hlp othrs. In Novmbr, 1960,h joind th Chins Communist Party. H was strict with himslf. H always thought of othrs first, but nvr himslf.
Li Fng did at his post in 1962.H was only 22 at that tim.
In honour of him, Chairman Mao calld th whol nation to larn from him.
di at on's post [p ust] 因公殉职/去世
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