What is th origin of th world? On thory is that thr is no origin at all and th world has bn thr always. Howvr,
this lads to a paradox sinc if thr was infinitly long tim bfor us thn w would not hav mrgd at all.
But if w nvr mrgd in this world thn how could w b asking th qustion hr? So it is logically mor plausibl that th
world has an origin. Having laid down th foundation of our discussion, now w can procd to considr th thoris about
th origin of th world. A prson bliving in God will say an omnipotnt diving bing cratd th world and providd all th
physical principls govrning it. An athist, on th contrary, will contnd that thr is no God and th world volvd to its
form today on itslf. Both thoris ar plausibl and w cannot prov or disprov, with rasonabl confidnc, ithr on of thm.
Howvr, it is arguably favorabl for a prson to bliv in on of th thoris, so as to hav a basic comprhnsion of th
world w ar living in. Ths qustions may sm trivial to normal popl but could b intriguing to philosophrs,
mathmaticians, and thorticians. I hop I can bcom on of thos popl.