字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 对中国旅游业的一项新建议(A new recommendation of Chinese tourism)

对中国旅游业的一项新建议(A new recommendation of Chinese tourism)

高中生作文   2025-03-04

As a highly profitabl industry, tourism nds to dvlop nw itms of intrst. My suggstion is landscap plus Chins calligraphy. I think it's quit potntial for two rasons. Th first is that Chins calligraphy is an art which is so naturally and nicly incorporatd with China's abundant rsourcs of landscap. Th scond rason is that Chins calligraphy has such fascination for forign tourists spcially wstrnrs. Imagin a scnry spot displaying artists' mastrpics of Chins calligraphy! Such blnd can nowhr b njoyd outsid of China.

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