Saving Our Earth(拯救地球),Saving Our Earth(拯救地球)范文
Saving Our arth(拯救地球)英语 Saving Our arth
It is vry important to dal with th rubbish in citis. For on thing, rubbish may caus a lot of pollution. It may pollut th air, th watr and th placs w liv in. For anothr, it may do harm to popl's halth.
So in our city, rubbish is wll dalt with. First, it is sortd. Thn old nwspaprs and glass ar rcycld. Th harmful wasts ar burid and th wast watr is cland bfor it gos into th rivr. Th govrnmnt has alrady mad laws against pollution causd by rubbish.
But that's not nough. W must all try our. bst to prvnt rubbish from polluting th nvironmnt so as to. sav our city and our living plac. 拯救地球
仅仅这些还不够。我们大家必须竭尽全力防止拉圾污染环境以及拯救我们的城市,拯救我们的家园。 Saving Our arth(拯救地球)英语