My younger Brother-我的弟弟
My youngr Brothr-我的弟弟 My youngr Brothr
I rmmbr my brothr as a swt baby, bringing much fun and dlight to th family with his plasant gabbls of nonsns. H was a vry likabl chubby littl thing, always on his ft climbing up and down, chasing aftr inscts, birds, and m.
I do not rcall him vr having any whit cloths sinc h startd school. H was xtrmly untidy, H usd to com hom with a fac of smudgs, an inkspattrd shirt, a pair of dirt-bdraggld pants.
H did not car much for rady-mad toys, and was vry anxious to brak thm into bits, to satisfy his childish curiosity. But h trasurd his sll-mad toys, such as th slingshots which h usd to brak th glasss on th windows, and had rcivdpunishmnts tim and tim again.