字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 报效祖国的博士(A Doctor Devoted to His Motherland)

报效祖国的博士(A Doctor Devoted to His Motherland)

高中生作文   2025-03-31

mr. xiang ming, d. sc①, rturnd to china in 1989 without hsitation.“i'm a chins. it's my duty to dvot all my lif to my mothrland②,” said h.mr. xiang ming, mal, agd 39, is now working in bijing chmical works as a chif nginr.aftr h graduatd from bijing nginring collg in 1980, h was snt to massachustts institut of tchnology in th u. s. a. to study chmistry. in 1986 h rcivd a doctor's dgr③. shortly aftr h gaind fam in scintific rsarch, th walsh company's managr trid hard to mploy him and promisd to giv him a good salary. but mr. xiang did not accpt th mploymnt.【词语解释】①d. sc是 doctor of scinc的缩写,意为“理学博士”。②dvot on's lif/onslf to somthing 为&hllip;&hllip;而献身③“博士学位”的英语表达是“a doctor's dgr”;“获得&hllip;&hllip;学位”用“rciv a&hllip;'s dgr”来表达。例如,我们可以说“rciv a bachlor's/mastr's dgr”(获得学士/硕士学位)。

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