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高中生作文   2025-01-13

1)For Dlay in Shipmnt (由于发货延迟而抱怨)

Dar Sirs,

Th furnitur w ordrd from you should hav rachd us a wk ago.Ndlss to say, th dlay in dlivry has put us to grat inconvninc.It is thrfor imprativ that you dispatch thm immdiatly.Othrwis w shall b obligd to cancl th ordr and obtain th goods lswhr.

Plas look into th mattr as on of urgncy and lt us hav your rply as arly as possibl.

Yours faithfully,

Jorn Thomas



2)For Poor-Packing (由于包装不妥提出索赔)

Dar Sirs,

W ar writing to inform you that th toys covrd by our ordr No.519arrivd in such an unsatisfactory condition that w hav to lodg a claim against you.It was found upon xamination that 10%of thm ar brokn and som ar badly scratchd, obviously du to th impropr packing. Thrfor,w cannot offr it for sal at th normal pric and suggst that you mak us an allowanc of 20% on th invoicd cost.This is th amount by which w propos to rduc our slling pric.If you cannot accpt, Im afraid w shall hav to rturn thm for rplacmnt.

Sincrly yours,

Jorn Thomas


3)For Damag of Goods (由于货物损坏而抱怨)

Dar Sirs,

Our ordr No.JT-8 Th glasswar you supplid to our ordr of 3rd July was dlivrd by th shipping company this morning.Th 160 cartons containing th goods appard to b in prfct condition.But whn I unpackd thm with grat car, I rgrt to rport that 10 cartons of glasswar badly crackd.

W trust you can undrstand that w xpct th compnsation for our dam agd goods.

Yours faithfully,

Jorn Thomas


4)For Incomformity(由于货物不符而抱怨)

Dar Sirs,

On March 12,w ordrd 1,200 shirts siz 42. But unfortunatly,w rcivd compltly diffrnt articls-childrn cloths today.W can only prsum that a mistak was mad and th childrn cloths wr for anothr ordr.

As I hav svral customrs waiting, plas arrang for th rplacmnts at onc.

Faithfully yours,

Jorn Thomas


5)For Unaccptabl Substitut (由于无法接受替代物而抱怨)

Dar Mr.Cliff,

During th past thr months I hav placd two sizabl ordrs for Th Handy Dsk Companion by Roy.spcifying th hard back binding.But both tim you snt m papr-back binding bcaus you wr out of stock on th hard-back.

Fortunatly,I am still slling a fw of th papr backs,but mor and mor customrs ask for th hard-back ons.(At last two of our comptitors hav this rfrnc book in hard-back in our citis).

nclosd is my ordr for 75 copis of Th Handy Dsk Companion in hard-back.Plas do not, undr any circumstancs,snd m anything ls.I hav plnty of th papr-back in stock.

Vry sincrly yours,

Jorn Thomas




6)For Shortwight (由于短重而要求索赔)

Dar Sirs,

W hav just rcivd th Survy Rport from Shanghai Commodity Inspction Burau vidncing that all drums of appl juic wigh short by form 1 to 5 kilogram,totaling 300 kilogram. As th drums wr intact, it is obvious that appl juic was short wight bfor shipmnt.Undr such circumstancs, w hav to fil a claim against you to th amount of RMB

850 plus inspction f.

w ar nclosing th Survy Rport No. T(95)115 and looking for ward to your sttlmnt at an arly dat.

Yours faithfully.

Jorn Thomas



7)For Ovr -Shipmnt (由于到货数量过多而抱怨)

Dar Sirs,

W thank you for promptnss in dlivring th Chinawar w ordrd on 20th Dc.Th numbr of cartons dlivrd by your carrir this morning was 360, whras our ordr was for only 320.

Unfortunatly, our prsnt nds ar compltly covrd and w cannot mak us of th xtra goods.Plas inform us by fax what w ar to do with th xtra goods.

Yours faithfully,


8)or Infrior Quality (由于质量低劣而抱怨)

Dar Sirs,

With rfrnc to our Ordr No. 315, w ar complld to xprss our strong complaints for th infrior quality. Compard to th sampl No. 169, th arrivd slf-adhsiv corrction tap is vry transparnt and dos not satisfactorily covr th rror bing corrctd.

W shall b glad to hav your xplanation of this infriority in th quality, and also to know what you purpos to do in this mattr.

Sincrly yours.

Jorn Thomas


9)For rrors in an Invoic(由于发票错误抱怨)

Dar Sirs,

Whn your sals rprsntativ,Hln Xu,calld on m in lat Dcmbr,sh told m that you wr offring a spcial pric of $ 147 on th,Wizard icmakr during th month of January.I ordrd six on January 17,figuring th total amount of th ordr at $882.Howvr,th invoic that accompanid th shipmnt showd th amount du as $ 1098.It is apparnt that I was chargd th rgular pric of $ 183 instad of th lowr pric I was promisd.

Im nclosing a chck for $ 882 in paymnt of th ordr.Unlss I har from, you to th contrary,I will assum that this is th corrct amount and that my account is clar.If this is not th cas,I would lik your prmission to rturn th six Wizard icmakrs to you at your xpns.

Sincrly yours,

亲爱的先生们:当贵方销售代表海伦·徐去年十二月底拜访我时,告知今年一月份奇术制冰机将以每台147美元的价格销售。我于一月十七日订购了六台,应支付882美元。然而,贵方的销售价常规价每台183美元,而并非所许诺的低廉价格。随函附上一张882美元的支票。除非我听到异议,否则我将认为款额正确、帐务已清。如果情形相反,请允许我退回六台奇术 制冰机,所需费用全由贵方支付。

10) For Poor Prformanc on a Srvic Contract (由于服务质量差而抱怨)

Dar Mr.Widnr.

Contract No. 17854

You will rcall that you and I hav discussd at last thr tims during th past six months th low quality of srvic providd by your hotl.Aftr ach convrsation,srvic is improvd for a short tim ,and thn rvrts.back to th old standard that brought abort my original complaints.

I will summariz in this lttr my prvious discussions about your prformanc.You may wish to rfr to our contract as you rad my commnts.

1. Windows :According to th contract ,all windows ar to b cland onc a month.This is not bing don.Oftn from six to ight wks laps btwn clanings.vn whn th windows ar cland ,th job is lss than satisfactory.

2.Carpts:Th carpts should b vacuumd aftr ach workday.Although your srvic popl do show up ach day ,thir fforts can only b dscribd as carlss.

3.Miscllanous :I could mntion a dozn othr claning rsponsibilitis that ar not bing mt satisfactorily——furniturs,lavatoris and ash trays,for xampl.

I call your attntion to paragraph 7c in th contract,Mr.Widnr ,in which th provisions for rvocation of th contract ar dscribd.I do not lik to considr such a possibility,but I must hav your writtn assuranc that all provisions of th contract will b mt.

I will b plasd to mt with you onc mor to discuss th situation. I assur you that this a mattr of som urgncy to m.

Yours faithfully,

Jorn Thomas



1. 窗户:遵照合同,每月清洗一次所有窗户。然而。此项工作并未得到落实。每次清洗相隔六至八周。即使窗户被清洗过,效果也不尽人意。

2. 地毯:每个工作日之后,对地毯应真空吸尘。尽管贵方服务人员每天露面,但工作很不仔细。

3. 各种事务:我可列举许多令人不满意的清洁工作,例如家具、卫生间、烟灰缸等等。韦德罗先生,请您注意我们合的每7c一段,有关终止合同的说明。我本人并不想考虑这种可能,但您是必须书面保证履行合同中的所有条款。我很愿意同您再次会晤,讨论目前情形。这事对于我至关重要,二盼急迫。

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