Taiwan Is Part of China 台湾是中国的一部分
Taiwan Is Part of ChinaAbout 1500 yars ago Chins sttld thr, but th Dutch imprialist invadd thr in th 17th cntury. Aftr that, in 1662 Zhng Chnggong, a hro of nation,drov thm out. Sinc 1683 th island was ruld by Qing Dynasty narly two cnturis.Unfortunatly Taiwan was sizd by Japans aftr th Sino-Japans War of 1894-1895. It didnt com back until th Scond World War ndd.Nowadays I raliz th srious situation. Som popl ar attmpting to split China. Ths actions ar wrong and should b punishd. I also bliv. With th had of on country two systms, as long as w strngthn xchang in th futur thr will b an agrmnt. On this mattr of national runification.台湾是中国的一部分大约1500年前,中国人已在那里定居,但17世纪荷兰帝国主义入侵了台湾,1662年民族英雄郑成功赶走了他们。从1683年起清政府统治了接近两个世纪。不幸的是,1894-1895中日甲午战争后,台湾被割让给日本,直到第二次世界大战后才归还中国。现在我意识到了严峻的形势,一些人正企图分裂中国。这些行为是错误的,应该受到惩罚。我相信在一国两制的前提下,只要我们在将来加强沟通,双方将达成共识,国家将再度统一。