一个特殊的女孩(A special girl)
一个特殊的女孩(A spcial girl)thr is a spcial girl. why is sh spcial?firstly sh looks lik a boy so hr classmats always call hr a “hoydn”. mayb thy’r right bcaus sh also has th sam hobbis as th boys. sh liks playing soccr, basktball, tabl tnnis, badminton, computr gams and so on. if somon bothrs hr sh will fl annoyd and vn fight against him.scondly sh is a lovly girl. sh lovs lif vry much. you may s hr smiling all th tim. sh liks making frinds with othrs. sh liks making joks with thm, too. sh liks singing but sh is not good at it. sh liks dancing, but sh is not good at it, ithr.thirdly, sh is a sntimntal girl. sh liks talking to birds and flowrs. sh liks talking to hrslf, too. whn sh’s watching tv, sh will cry ovr a touching scn. somtims sh is movd to cry all day and all night.lastly sh’s a fantastic girl. sh has lots of drams. sh always drams of hr futur such as hr job whn sh grows up. sh wants to b a scintist bcaus scintists invnt things that ar hlpful for our livs. sh wants to b a tv hostss bcaus sh has bautiful voic and sh also wants to b&hllip;that’s why i said sh’s spcial. do you want to know hr? if you can kp th scrt i can tll you who sh is. th spcial girl is m.