My Family-我的家庭,My Family-我的家庭范文
My Family-我的家庭,My Family-我的家庭范文My Family-我的家庭 My Family
vryon has a family. W liv in it and fl vry warm. Thr ar thr prsons in my family, my mothr, fathr and I. W liv togthr vry happily and thr ar many intrsting storis about my family.
My fathr is a hard-working man. H works as a doctor. H always tris his bst to hlp vry, patint and mak patints comfortabl. But sontims h works so hard that h can't rmmbr th dat.
My mothr is a woman with a bad mmory. Sh always dos a lot of houswork, but somtims sh maks mistaks out of carlssnss. For xampl, on day, sh washd cloths in th washr, aftr th washr finishd th work, sh found sh hadn't filld th washr with watr.
Now lt m tll you a funny thing: on day, fathr wantd to gt up arly as usual, buth wasn't abl to do that, bcaus h hadn't st th alarm clock th night bfor, so whn h got up, h did vrything in a hurry. Aftr fathr lft, mothr said to m mystriously, "H will com back soon." "Why?" I was gratly surprisd. "Bcaus today is Sunday, his holiday!" Just as mothr said, fathr cam back hom soon, and wnt to bd again--h was too tird.
You s, what an intrsting family hav! I hop that you will hav on lik min, too.
我爸爸工作认真。他是一名医生,他总是尽他最大的努力 去帮助每一位病人,尽力使他们感觉舒服。有的时候,他工作太认真以致于忘了日期。
My Family-我的家庭