My Viws on xtracurricular Activity(课外活动之我见)
Som studnts lik to participat activly in aftr class activitis. Thy think aftr class activitis ar an intgral part of school lif. By going in for such activitis, thy can larn what thy can't larn from books, which will b bnficial to thm in th futur.
Othrs, howvr, don't lik aftr class activitis at all. Thy think that a studnt's work at school is larning thortical knowldg and nothing ls. Taking part in aftr class activitis is a wast of th valuabl tim at school.
In my opinion, vry studnt should ngag in som aftr class activitis bcaus from ths activitis w can larn many valuabl things that w won't larn in classrooms. School is not just a plac for larning th diffrnc btwn "li" or "lay", or what causd th hours of th daily schdul. Finally, aftr class activitis broadn our circl of acquaintancs. No amount of ordinary school work can tak th plac of frinds acquird in th informal familiaritis of activitis.