The most unforgettable person in my life,The most unforgetta
Th most unforgttabl prson in my lif 由 Whn I was in high school, on of my classmats sit right bsid m. His nam is ChnLiang. H is my unforgttabl prson in my lif.I rmmbrd my mathmatics was just mdiocr at that tim, but h was xtraordinary and xcllnt in calculating and solving mathmatic qustions. H oftn rcivd prfct scors. Of cours, I wishd I could rach at his lvl. Sinc w talkd all day long, I askd how h could solv thos difficult qustions. H was so patint and polit to answr my somtims ridiculous thinking. Gradually, I built my confidnc at mathmatics and finally passd th collg ntranc xam. Now, w ar apart, but I still rmmbr his grat attitud and willing in study. I am so obligd to my classmat, who is my frind always and forvr. Th most unforgttabl prson in my lif 由