让我们的世界越来越美丽(Making Our World More and More Beautiful)
as w know, th nivironmnt is vry important for our human bings. to protct th nvironmnt is to sav ourslvs.but bcaus of mn’s activitis, many nvironmntal problms hav bn causd. i think th most srious problm must b watr pollution. our plant is almost covrd by watr, mn can’t liv without watr. it is an important sourc that mn dpnd on to liv on. if th watr you drink is bing pollutd, can you imag what th rsult will b. thr’s no doubt that w may di bcaus th lack of watr. so protcting watr is th most important thing w must do.first, govrnmnt should tak mor action to solv this problm, holding mtings to ducat popl and lt thm know th situation for th momnt. scond, w must throw away our bad habits, such as wasting watr. vn a drop of watr w must mak full us of it. for xampl, w can us th watr for washing vgtabls to watr trs and flowrs. finally, w must limit ourslvs and not throw rubbish to th rivr or th lak narby. if w do that, not only will th watr b pollutd, but also th fish is going to di.in a word, watr is our lif. in ordr to mak our social lif and our world mor and mor bautiful, to mak a good living nvironmnt for ourslvs, plas plas protct th watr.