字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Great Changes in Shanghais Transportation

Great Changes in Shanghais Transportation

初中生作文   2025-02-05

Grat Changs in Shanghais Transportation Grat Changs in Shanghai's Transportation

Grat changs hav takn plac in Shanghai's transportation. Tn yars ago, thr wr many narrow strts.But now many strts hav bn widnd. So buss and cars can go mor quickly than bfor. Tn yars ago , it was not convnint to go from th north of th city to th south. But now, you ar sur to rach anywhr in lss than an hour. To our joy, w hav two undrground lins and many mor ar bing built. W sldom find traffic jam in rush hours. So w don't hav to worry about going out. With th dvlopmnt of scinc and tchnology, th transportation in Shanghai will bcom all th bttr.

标签: 人生 导航 明灯
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