字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Panda—the National Treasure,Panda—the National Treasure范

Panda—the National Treasure,Panda—the National Treasure范

高中生作文   2025-02-05

Panda—th National Trasur Panda is on of th scarcst animals. Popl in th world lik it vry much. Thr usd to b many pandas in China long ago. As th balanc of natur was dstroyd and th wathr was gtting warmr and warmr, pandas bcam lss. But at prsnt, th numbr of pandas is incrasing yar by yar. Thr ar now so many pandas that som ar bing snt to othr countris so that popl thr can njoy thm.

Nowadays, th biggst natur park for panda in China is in Sichuan. Thr is a rsarch cntr for natur and wild lif thr. Scintists hop that on day thy will hav nough pandas to b st fr and lt thm liv in th wild again. Panda—th National Trasur

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