I like to study in the library-我喜欢在图书馆读书,I like to
I lik to study in th library-我喜欢在图书馆读书 由 第一篇: vry Sunday morning, I gt up at fiv in ordr to find a sat in th library. I lik th quit atmosphr in th library, which maks m dply absorbd in my study. Bsids, thr ar rfrnc books in th library which provid rady guidanc to hlp m solv my problms. At hom popl com and go--som talking, othrs working. Invitably, thr ar oftn noiss around th hous which mak m nrvous and unabl to concntrat on my study. For th rasons mntiond abov, I lik to study in th library. 第二篇: It sms that most studnts lik to study in th library, spcially whn thr ar xaminations. I also lik to study in th library. Bcaus of th quit atmosphr, I can bttr concntrat on my study. Th dilignc of othr popl in th library also inspirs m to work vn hardr. I usually gt mor by studying in th library. Th library is a good plac to study only if w obsrv its ruls, such as not talking loudly. Othrwis th valu of th library will b gratly rducd. 第三篇: Gnrally spaking, a library is a vry quit plac. In a library, I can bttr concntrat and study mor ffctivly. Bsids, thr ar all kinds of books, magazins and nwspaprs in a library which provid you with a grat dal of usful knowldg. Th library is a plac whr your dsir for knowldg can b satisfid. Nor can on do rsarch without th hlp of a library. Whn I was in collg, vry smstr I Had to writ svral paprs. It was th indispnsabl library that nabld m to do th ncssary rsarch and finish my paprs in tim. It is difficult to imagin what lif would b lik without library. W should try to kp our library such a good plac that it is by obying th library ruls. W should try to mak our library not only a sourc of knowldg but also a sourc of inspiration. I lik to study in th library-我喜欢在图书馆读书 由