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My Best Friend(2)

小学生作文   2025-02-27

My Bst Frind(2)

Hllo! vryon. I’ll introduc my bst frind to you. Hr nam is Zhou Xun. Hr nglish nam is Zo. I lik hr nglish nam bttr. Zo liks it, too.

Zo is a lovly girl. Sh is not tall. Sh is vry thin. Sh has a round fac and two small ys. Hr hair is short. Sh oftn wars a pink drss, bcaus pink is hr favorit color. Sh always has a smiling fac, so vryon liks hr vry much.

Zo is a clvr girl. Sh’s our monitor. Sh works hard at school vryday. Sh liks to ask and answr th qustions. Hr copybooks ar clan and tidy. Hr handwriting is vry bautiful. Sh is good at nglish and math. Sh is a top studnt in our class.

Zo is a vrsatil girl. Sh can play th piano. Sh can draw picturs. Sh can tango. Sh can swim. Sh can do vrything vry wll.

Zo has a big dog. Its nam is Xiao Xiong. thy ar good frinds. I lik it, too.

Do you lik my bst frind, Zo?

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