字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 A Day to Remember-难忘的一天,A Day to Remember-难忘的一天范

A Day to Remember-难忘的一天,A Day to Remember-难忘的一天范

初中生作文   2025-03-25

A Day to Rmmbr-难忘的一天,A Day to Rmmbr-难忘的一天范A Day to Rmmbr-难忘的一天 我仍然记得第一次去动物园的那一天。5岁那年,妈妈带我去动物园。我很高兴能同时看见那么多活灵活现的动物,他们看上去又活泼又可爱。我度过了快乐的一天。可是在我回家的路上,我开始替它们难过起来。人们把它们从父母和朋友身边捉走,它们一定感觉很孤单,我想。它们每天惟一可做的事就是等着人们来喂食。 A Day to Rmmbr

I still rmmbr th first day I wnt to th zoo. Whn I was only fiv yars old, my mothr took m thr. I was plasd to s so many ral animals at th sam tim. Thy smd so lovly and activ. I spnt a nic day. But on my way hom, I bgan to fl sorry for thm. Thy wr takn away from thir parnts and frinds and also far away from th natur. Thy must hav flt lonly, I thought. vry day, th only thing thy could do was to sit thr and wait for food. A Day to Rmmbr-难忘的一天

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