儿童乐园(The Children’s Playground)
right nxt to taipi zoo is childrn's playground. it is always vry crowdd and noisy thr on holidays.last tim on tachrs’ day my sistr and i had fr tickts to go thr, and w took two small childrn with us. whn w got thr wr so many popl thr that w wr vry carful not to lt th childrn gt lost. thr wr fr balloons givn to small kids. thr wr many diffrnt amusmnt rids, but at all th rids thr wr long lins of popl. thrfor, w did not gt many rids. our two small companions njoyd th mrry-go-round which is a round turning platform that has woodn horss on it. thy did not lik th airplan rid so much, bcaus th spd and high lvation of th plan scard thm. w high a whol aftrnoon thr.by th tim w got hom, w wr a littl tird, but w flt lik happy small childrn again.
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