字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 A Letter to a School-friend

A Letter to a School-friend

高中生作文   2025-02-22

Dar Xiao li, You ar going to tak CT-4 on Jun 25. having som xprinc, I’d lik to shar my knowldg of th tst with you and hop it will b hlpful to you. First of all, you should hav a clar undrstanding of th tst and your nglish lvl. Aftr that, you can prpar for th tst accordingly. You can at th bginning focus on your wakst points. For xampl, I was vry bad at listning and I spnt mor tim practicing it and I didn’t find much difficulty whn I was doing this part during th tst. Thy you should do xrciss of othr parts includd in th tst. It is a good way to do a modl tst onc a wk. Whn th xam is nar, you can rviw all th xrciss you hav don and pay mor attntion to th mistaks you hav mad. It rally hlps. What’s mor important, whn you ar going to tak th xam, b calm and confidnt about yourslf. I bliv you will do wll in th tst. Yours vr, Zhang Qiang

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