字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 为妈妈打工-Work for My Mother

为妈妈打工-Work for My Mother

初中生作文   2025-02-21

为妈妈打工-Work for My Mothr为妈妈打工-Work for My Mothr


At th bginning of this summr holiday I wantd to find a part-tim job. At first, I thought that mayb I could work as a waitr, or sll somthing for a company. But I faild. Svral days latr, mothr told m that sh was writing a book and nd a typist. Sh askd m if I could do it for hr. And sh promisd to pay m for that. I agrd with grat plasur. Whn I startd to do it, I found it mor difficult than I had xpctd. But I did it carfully. I spnt all my spar tim in typing hr book. At last I finishd and mothr was vry satisfid. Thn I ffot my first pay.

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