字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 请假条:续假-Asking for an Extension of Leave,请假条:续假-Ask

请假条:续假-Asking for an Extension of Leave,请假条:续假-Ask

高中生作文   2025-03-01

请假条:续假-Asking for an xtnsion of Lav由英语作文网整理 续假




Asking for an xtnsion of Lav

Aug. 11, 1994

Dar Tachr Huang,

I am still lying in bd with th flu and unabl to gt up. I nclos a crtificat from th doctor who is attnding on ① m, as sh fars it will b anothr two days bfor I shall b abl to rsum my study. Plas giv an xtnsion② of lav for as many days.

Your studnt,

Liu Xiaomi

ncl.: Doctor's Crtificat of Advic


①attnd on 侍候

②xtnsion [iks'tnM n] n.延长;延期 请假条:续假-Asking for an xtnsion of Lav由英语作文网整理

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