口头通知:美国学生在京活动安排-Activities of the American Stu
口头通知:美国学生在京活动安排-Activitis of th Amrican Studnts in Bijing 美国学生在京活动安排
时间 活动事项 有关内容
星期一 上午:校长接见 介绍学校情况
星期二 白天:两国学生游览长城 张老师讲有关长城的趣闻
星期三 两校学生举行座谈会
星期四 上午:乘CA981航班返回美国
Activitis of th Amrican Studnts in Bijing
Dar frinds,
Wlcom to China. I am vry glad to tll you what you ar going to do during your stay in Bijing. Our principal is to mt you on Monday morning and h will introduc our school to you. You will b shown around th lab building and th library in th aftrnoon. On Tusday morning th studnts of th two countris ar to visit th Grat Wall, whr Mr Zhang will tll som intrsting storis about it. In th vning w ar going to hav a party in Room 402. Th Chins studnts and th Amrican studnts will giv nic prformancs at th party. You will hav a talk with th Chins studnts on Wdnsday morning. You will b fr in th aftrnoon. And you will tak Flight CA981 back to th USA on Thursday morning.
That's all. Thanks.
1)这种介绍活动安排的口头通知比较好写,只要按所预订的活动日程顺序组织文章结构就可以了。但要注意正确使用日期和时间表示法,如“on Monday morning”,“on Tusday aftrnoon”,“in th morning”,“in th aftrnoon”等。
2)活动安排一般讲的都是将要进行的活动,所以多用将来时态的句法结构,如“W ar going to….”,“You will….”,“H is to….”等。
口头通知:美国学生在京活动安排-Activitis of th Amrican Studnts in Bijing