字典翻译 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 有趣的图片(The fun picture)

有趣的图片(The fun picture)

小学生作文   2025-03-02

有趣的图片(Th fun pictur)lt m say somthing about th pictur.thr ar two tall trs in it. undr th tr thr is a long chair. and thr is an old man rading about swimming. nar th old man, thr is a boy painting. i think h lovs painting vry much. nxt to th painting boy, thr ar two boys playing football. thy ar happy. but th football is in th rivr. nar th rivr, thr ar thr childrn fishing. thy go fishing about twic a wk and thy always go to th popl’s park. thy lik fishing. in th rivr, thr is clar watr and som fish swimming in it. th sky is clar, th sun is shining brightly, th wathr is warm.. thr ar two birds flying in th sky, thy ar happy. wow, that is a fun pictur!dar frinds, can you draw th pictur?

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