字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 The Middle One-中间,The Middle One-中间范文

The Middle One-中间,The Middle One-中间范文

高中生作文   2025-03-11

Th Middl On-中间 Mary was th middl on. Sh was smallr than Jan, but sh was biggr than Linda. Mary did things lik pushing th strollr whn sh and Mothr took Linda for a walk, and digging in th sandbox, and giving th poppy his brakfast whn Mothr was too busy. Mary had things lik bing told sh did a vry good job drssing hrslf, and having storis rad to hr--- sitting clos to Mothr. Also, Mary had had rids on Daddy's back whn h actd lik a bar, or a caml, or a pony. Thos wr not things for Linda bcaus sh was too littl. Thy wr not for Jan, ithr. Sh was too big. Thy wr all things just for Mary, no longr littl lik Linda, and not yt big lik Jan. Th Middl On-中间

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