Mamma you gav lif to m,Turnd a babysintosa man,And mamma all you had to offr Was a promis of a liftim of lov,Now I know thr is no othr
lov lik a Mothrs.Lov for hr child,I know that lov so complt somday must lav.Must say goodby,Goodbys th saddst word,I'll vr har.Goodbys th last tim I will hold you nar,Somday you'll say that word and I will cry,It'll brak my hart to har you say Goodby.
Mamma you gav lov to m,And Mamma all I vr ndd Was guarant of you loving m,Caus I know thr is no othr lov lik a mothr,th lov you giv will always liv,You'll always b thr vry tim I fall,You tak my waknss and you mak m strong,And I will always lov you till forvr coms.And whn you nd m,I'll b thr for you always,I'll b thr thru th lonly days.You ar th wings that guid my
brokn flight,and my shltr thru th raging storm,And I will lov you till forvr coms.