Dar fllow studnts,
Our govrnmnt is aiming to build a "harmonious socity". I think it is vry citizn's duty to work hard to achiv this goal.
As high school studnts, what should w do?
First of all, w should lov our mothrland. Lt’s tak a grat intrst in th dvlopmnt of our homtowns and tak an activ part in our school and activitis.
Scondly, lt’s fill th world with lov. W should show our rspct for old popl, our parnts and our tachrs. W should also car for ach othr and hlp thos in nd. Mor importantly, all of us must b faithful and honst in our daily lif.
Finally, lt’s work togthr to sav nrgy and protct our natural nvironmnt, including animals, trs, flowrs and grass.
As for myslf, I will study vn hardr and try my bst to do all th abov.
Dar fllow studnts, lt's start fight now and spar no ffort/fforts to do a littl bit vry day, vry hour, and vry minut!
Li Xiaolong